Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Spell: Serious Portentiousness

Serious Portentiousness
Level: 3
Duration: 1 turn
Range: Hearing

The caster gains a +1 bonus to their Charisma while they continue to talk in a sonorous, ponderous, very serious tone of voice. Anything they say, no matter how ridiculous or foolish will sound like a wise pronouncement, sage advice or stern order that simply must be obeyed now, without question.

At the end of the spell, the caster suffers a -1 penalty to their Charisma for the same amount of time and everything that they said previously will be considered untrustworthy, not too terribly serious, over-blown and silly.

Special House Rule:
Anyone using a Shatner-esque voice in role-playing this effect gets double the bonus and only the normal penalty afterwards.


  1. Loving the spell series.

    Replace Shatner with Peter Cushing* and you're gold.

    * or Vincent Price, or in fact any of the Hammer leading men...

  2. @Chris: Always glad to hear that something we're doing is striking a chord with someone. We might have to modify this spell's description a bit to encompass alterative effects based on the voice impersonated in the course of using the spell. Shatner we have covered, but Cushing would lend itself to having a bonus to defuse or mis-direct an angry mob (very useful in Wermspittle!), Price would produce an eery sense of overwhelming dread that has a 30% base chance to paralyze those within earshot as their blood ran cold...a suitably generic attempt at evoking the classic Hammer style would produce a brief disorientation followed by a base 30% chance of a random erotic fixation upon the speaker by some member of the listening audience, though it will only end in blood...

    1. What effect would Christopher Lee impart?

    2. Now that opens up a lot of possibilities for madness, betrayal, bloodshed and megalomania...among other fun things. I'm going to have to think about this a bit and get back to you.


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