Friday, March 21, 2014

Scrum Pustules

Scrum Pustules
No. Enc. 3d4 (3d10)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: (See Below)
Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 1+
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d4 per HD
Save: As Zero-Level Human
Morale: 12 (mindless)

Rancid smelling bulges of vile matter protruding from wood saturated with the liquescent corruption left behind by Loathsome Masses and Wet Spots that are not completely expunged, Scrum Pustules are an aggressive aberrant growth that rapidly proliferates throughout an abandoned property or burned-out ruin. They are more often identified by their repellent scent, which is all too noticeable even when the blister-like growths haven't quite burst through the surface of the wood.

Make no mistake, these are not simple encrustation or inert ligneous tumors, they are aggressive and will strike out at anyone within 3' of their rooted position. Scrum Pustules seem to lurk just below the surface of contaminated wood, waiting to ambush likely prey. Blind and deaf, they have a sense for the chemistry of healthy blood and an uncanny ability to detect movement within 30'.

When first encountered, there is only one of the things. Every turn after the initial attack, another one of the things will erupt from the woodwork, as near to a potential target as is possible. Scrum Pustules never retreat, never give up, and will remain rooted to that spot until removed or destroyed.

Scrum Pustules gain 1 permanent hit point for every 30 points of damage they inflict. Every 6 hit points gained in this manner gives them another HD and allows them to increase in size, extending their area of effect by one more foot and improving their attack by an additional 1d4.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'm trying to get caught-up after the long, unplanned absence.

  2. Another deliciously nasty thing to encounter!

    1. Thank you. I rather like how these things can really challenge a party at an inopportune moment. They don't seem so bad. At first. They also make a great trap...if one knows how to cultivate the things...


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